Every once in a while a writer reads something and wishes they had written it themselves. For me, this is one of those times.

After covering the Democratic National Convention last week in Charlotte and writing about God being out and then back in the party platform, I was reminded that God doesn’t care if we put His name in a document. What he cares about is how we worship Him and treat our neighbor.

Yesterday I ran across this column by Greg Stier titled, 10 Reasons I’m More Excited About Jesus Than Politics. I think the list speaks for itself.

1. Jesus doesn’t lie, exaggerate or use a teleprompter.

2. Jesus doesn’t pound us with relentless campaign commercials.

3. Jesus slings love, not mud.

4. Once a person “votes” Jesus in through faith there are no more re-elections! (insert Calvinist joke here.)

5. Jesus doesn’t do robocall surveys about my theological views while I’m eating dinner with my family.

6. Taxes? NO! Grace giving? YES!

7. His air force has wings, real wings, angel wings…and that’s just cool.

8. He cares for the poor, rich and middle class (I prefer income to class).

9. He is the Prince of Peace but is building up his resources for one last war (see the book of Revelation.)

10. He doesn’t bleed his supporters dry but bled for them instead.

You can check out more of Greg’s post at www.dare2share.org


Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/10-reasons-im-more-excited-about-jesus-than-politics-81307/#iOT3tQShthctm6MH.99