Tea Party Leaders Outraged Over House Passage of Fiscal Cliff Bill

Tea Party Leaders are expressing outrage and disappointment over the House passing a bill late New Year's Day that allows President Obama and Congressional Democrats to raise taxes on wealthy Americans with no guarantee of future spending cuts. "Sadly, our New Year's predictions have all come true," said Jenny Beth Martin, national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots. "Congress and the president had all year to do their jobs and be fiscally responsible – and, just like we said they would, they waited until the last possible moment to fail their nation miserably with a 'fiscal cliff' scheme to raise taxes and keep overspending. The issue for those who believe the nation has a spending problem and not a revenue problem suddenly became a nightmare when 85 Republicans in the House joined 172 of their Democrat colleagues in supporting the measure that was sent over in the wee hours of the morning on New Year's Day. For the past 17 months the fiscal game of chicken rarely changed. Obama and liberal Democrats demanded higher taxes on families making over $250,000 annually and Republicans, led by House Speaker John Boehner with some assistance by presidential candidate Mitt Romney, wanted to extend the [...]

By |2013-01-02T19:12:14-06:00January 2nd, 2013|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Tea Party Leaders Outraged Over House Passage of Fiscal Cliff Bill

Gun Control and Mental Illness; How We Should Handle Both

Since the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy last week, news and blog sites have consistently published articles and posts - some even well written and thought out – on the topics of if we need more restrictions on guns and can we stop mentally ill people from committing heinous crimes. I believe the answer to both is no. In the interest of full disclosure, I am a former state legislator who earned and maintained an A plus NRA rating, meaning I opposed restrictions on guns and supported the concept of allowing responsible citizens to defend themselves from irresponsible criminals. I grew up hunting but no longer go because I would rather spend my leisure time playing tennis or watching my kids grow up, but do occasionally like to venture into the woods behind my home for target practice. And I have a valid handgun carry permit. In my personal and political experience, the major problem with liberals who want to make possession of any gun illegal is one, they don’t own guns themselves and two, their motivation centers more around weakening the political power of conservatives and gun rights activist than is does on addressing why people are committing crimes in [...]

By |2012-12-19T22:02:24-06:00December 19th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Gun Control and Mental Illness; How We Should Handle Both

Elimination of Mortgage, Charitable Deductions May Harm Middle Class

A suggestion by some Democrats that eliminating tax deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions could be part of a fiscal cliff deal is raising the specter of significant harm for the middle class, according to some experts. And they are saying the church is at risk as well. Some believe that President Obama may support eliminating these deductions despite repeated assertions during his campaign that he plans to protect the middle class. The Tax Policy Center argues that households earning more than $250,000 (defined as wealthy by the Obama administration) realize an annual tax savings of around $5,460 from taking advantage of their mortgage deduction. Compare that with the approximate $91 annual tax savings for households making less than $40,000 annually. Experts also argue that earners making $250,000 per year will get hurt more than low-income earners. Arnold Ahlert, a former advertising executive turned columnist for Jewish World Review and FrontPageMag.com, sees the conversation about changing the mortgage deduction as just another way to pander to the Democratic base, especially those who don't own homes. He addresses many of those issues in a recent column titled "The Deduction Cap Trap." "In my opinion, populism is the reason behind all [...]

By |2012-12-03T15:37:46-06:00December 3rd, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Elimination of Mortgage, Charitable Deductions May Harm Middle Class

Why Romney is Likely to Win and With Evangelicals At His Side

I was preparing to write a post on this topic but in my daily reading on Friday I came across two articles by Jay Cost and David and Nancy French that say it all. The bottom line is that I believe not only will Mitt Romney win the presidency, but he will do it with the overwhelming support of evangelical voters. This first article is from Jay Cost of The Weekly Standard. Jay is an excellent writer and even mentions another favorite of mine, Sean Trende from Real Clear Politics. Cost believes that a Romney victory will come because of two reasons: 1) Romney leads among voters who trust him to get our economy back on track 2) Romney leads among independents The first reason is important because regardless of your personal political or religious convictions, the economy is still front and center for everyone. The second article is from my friends Nancy and David French who manage the Evangelicals for Mitt website. They paint a clear picture of why Romney could outperform President George W. Bush in support of evangelicals because of the damage President Obama has done to America's social fabric. Read it here.

By |2012-11-02T21:13:13-05:00November 2nd, 2012|My Blog Post|3 Comments

Two Insightful Op-Ed’s from Charles Krauthammer & Penny Nance

Like most journalist, in addition to writing each day I spend an inordinate amount of time reading op-ed's and news articles. This morning I ran across two that sum up the election on different fronts. The first one is by noted Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer. He offers a concise look at what Obama wants to do in the areas of healthcare, education and energy in a second term. I wish every undecided voter would read it (assuming there are any undecided voters out there). You can read Krauthammer's article here. The second column is by Penny Nance who is the CEO of Concerned Women for America. Penny addresses the sensitive issue of rape and abortion. Two U.S. Senate candidates, Missouri's Todd Akin and Indiana's Richard Mourdock have found themselves in lukewarm water when they utter the words "rape" or "abortion" in front of a liberal press. And for the record, neither men are advocates of either. Here is Penny's article that was published Friday in The Christian Post.  

By |2012-11-02T11:23:51-05:00November 2nd, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Two Insightful Op-Ed’s from Charles Krauthammer & Penny Nance
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