
Here’s Where the GOP Candidates Stand Before Iowa Caucuses

If history is any indication, the Iowa caucuses may not determine the GOP nominee for president, but it will play a vital role in which of the seven major candidates will watch the next few debates from the comfort of their living rooms or remain under the hot spotlights of the stage.

For example, in 2008 former Arkansas Gov. and now Fox News Host Mike Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses with a commanding 34 percent of the vote, followed by Mitt Romney at 25 percent. The eventual nominee, Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) finished fourth behind former Tennessee Sen. and movie star […]

January 3rd, 2012|My Blog Post|

Will the ‘Values Vote’ Matter in the 2012 Elections?

The Iowa caucuses a week away, Republican candidates are pulling out all the stops on value voting – including soliciting the help of past and present Christian heavyweights – to convince voters why they are the best person to represent evangelical Christians in the White House.

Yet both voters and pundits are starting to wonder just how big an impact religion and value voters will play in the 2012 elections.

There are several reasons why the Iowa caucuses matter, but one that ranks toward the top is that it serves as a bellwether for the Christian vote in future primaries. After all, […]

December 27th, 2011|My Blog Post|

How Effective Are Political Endorsements?

With the Iowa caucuses less than two weeks away, Republican candidates are stopping a nothing  – including soliciting the help of past and present political heavyweights – to convince voters why they are the one to defeat President Obama next fall. But many analysts are starting to ask if these endorsements have any real impact.

All of the top GOP candidates, including Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum can lay claim to a list of endorsements.

Romney, who also sought the Republican nomination in 2008, has the longer list of political rock stars that includes […]

December 22nd, 2011|My Blog Post|

Christopher Hitchens Might Be In Heaven

In case you don’t recognize the name, Christopher Hitchens is (was) one of the world’s best known atheist. He died Thursday of cancer in a Texas hospital.

If you are a Christian, it may be laying heavy on your heart that Hitches is not in Heaven. But a column in The Christian Post this morning has me thinking, “could Hitchens be in Heaven today?”

I encourage you to read Dr. Russell Moore’s column. Maybe, just maybe, the saving grace of Jesus was acknowledged and accepted by Hitchens. Great food for thought.


December 16th, 2011|My Blog Post|

MSNBC Apologies for ‘Irresponsible’ Reporting on Romney-KKK Reference

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews issued a deep felt apology on behalf of MSNBC over the network’s reporting that the Romney campaign had adopted the slogan “Keep America American;” a slogan that was once used by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920’s.

Matthews, who was not involved in the story first reported from MSNBC that originated from a blog post, called the network’s reporting “irresponsible and incendiary.”

“During the 11 AM hour on MSNBC we reported on a blog item that compared a phrase used by the Romney campaign to one used by the KKK in the 1920’s,” said Matthews. “It was irresponsible […]

December 16th, 2011|My Blog Post|

Does the Public Have the Right to Know About a Candidate’s Personal Life

Herman Cain may be the latest fatality on the national political scene after announcing he would suspend his presidential campaign on Saturday after allegations of sexual harassment and an on-going affair took their toll. Yet the question remains – how much does the public have a right to know about a candidates personal and family life and how should voters weigh this information when deciding whom to vote for?

Penny Nance, The CEO of Concerned Women of America weighed in on the issue with an opinion piece and in a conversation with The Christian Post, saying that yes, “character does and […]

December 8th, 2011|My Blog Post|
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