
Sandy Hook Elementary Opens Under NRA Recommendation of Armed Security

Sandy Hook Elementary students returned to another facility today under the protection of armed security guards which the National Rifle Association recommended after the Dec. 14 massacre that killed 26 people, including 20 children.

Although the children returned to classrooms with their old desks and furniture, they were relocated to an unused school facility nearby. But the most noticeable difference may be the presence of armed police officers.

Monroe, Conn., Police Lt. Keith White confirmed that officers would be in and around the school but that their presence would hopefully not be a distraction to students.

“We want this to be a normal […]

January 4th, 2013|My Blog Post|

Tea Party Leaders Outraged Over House Passage of Fiscal Cliff Bill

Tea Party Leaders are expressing outrage and disappointment over the House passing a bill late New Year’s Day that allows President Obama and Congressional Democrats to raise taxes on wealthy Americans with no guarantee of future spending cuts.

“Sadly, our New Year’s predictions have all come true,” said Jenny Beth Martin, national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots. “Congress and the president had all year to do their jobs and be fiscally responsible – and, just like we said they would, they waited until the last possible moment to fail their nation miserably with a ‘fiscal cliff’ scheme to raise taxes and […]

January 2nd, 2013|My Blog Post|

What ‘The Hunger Games’ Trilogy and the Sandy Hook School Tragedy Have in Common

What does the author of one of America’s best-selling novels about children killing each other for sport and the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting have in common? The answer is both of them claim Newtown, Conn., as their residence.

Suzanne Collins, the award winning best-selling author of The Hunger Games trilogy, lives with her family and writes in the quaint Northeast community of Newtown. She shares her picturesque town with the 27 victims who were murdered – 20 of whom were children – in the tragic massacre that took place there on Dec. 14.

Before I go any further or before anyone jumps […]

December 23rd, 2012|My Blog Post|

Gun Control and Mental Illness; How We Should Handle Both

Since the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy last week, news and blog sites have consistently published articles and posts – some even well written and thought out – on the topics of if we need more restrictions on guns and can we stop mentally ill people from committing heinous crimes. I believe the answer to both is no.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a former state legislator who earned and maintained an A plus NRA rating, meaning I opposed restrictions on guns and supported the concept of allowing responsible citizens to defend themselves from irresponsible criminals.

I grew up hunting […]

December 19th, 2012|My Blog Post|

After Another Shooting Tragedy, Let’s Talk About Mental Health

The article below was written by Shannon Royce, who deals with this issue every day. She has a child with a mental illness. It’s right on point on why we must address mental health now. You can read more of Susan’s writing at http://chosenfamilies.org


Like the rest of the nation, I watched in horror as the tragedy of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre broke on Friday.   The unthinkable, the unspeakable had happened.  Again.

Like the tragedy in Arizona in January, 2011, the tragedy in Colorado in July, 2012, we now have another loss of devastating impact.  The innocents of Newtown, 20 beautiful children, […]

December 17th, 2012|My Blog Post|

Sandy Hook School Shooting Sparks Call From Liberals for Gun Control Laws

An horrendous shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. today that killed 20 children and eight adults has prompted an immediate outcry for gun control laws from leading liberals, especially on assault weapons such as the one used in Friday’s tragic shooting.

The shooting is one of the worst in U.S. history and immediately sparked memories of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, and the Virginia Tech rampage in 2007.

There is little doubt supporters of gun control will square off against those who support the right to keep and bear arms in the coming days, however, White House […]

December 15th, 2012|My Blog Post|
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