Among the benefits of being a journalist and political opinion editor for The Christian Post is getting to meet and know some fascinating people. One of those is Dr. Ken Hutcherson, the senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, Washington.

Hutch-Big-Smile photo

If you are a middle-aged football fan then Ken’s name might ring a bell.

He was a football standout in his home state of Alabama and excelled on the gridiron at Livingston University before embarking on a professional career with the Dallas Cowboys and the Seattle Seahawks.

But somewhere in the middle of throwing offensive linemen and running backs around, Hutch found Jesus and began a career as a minister. He writes columns for CP on occasion and I thought I would share one he penned earlier this week:

A Conservative Black Pastor Says: ‘If I Were President, I Would…’

If I were President, there would be no special treatment for anyone entering our country illegally. I would send a special delegation to Israel to study how to build a fence, secure it and then electrify it.

After the border is secure, I would put out a clarion call that all illegal aliens have six months to register and the clock starts ticking when the fence starts construction. When we catch them after that, there will be no citizenship possibility and then we would deport them.  My concern would be for those who have been here for years and sought legal ways to gain citizenship and I would work with Congress to put them on the fast track like they do inmates on death row in Texas, fast and efficient. I would be sensitive to not breaking up families because that would be inhumane of course, so if you are caught after six months, then you and your whole family, whether your children are born here or not would be deported because you had six months to make it right.  I would work with all illegal aliens if they sign up to do everything possible to get their green cards or work permits. However, if someone is attempting to gain citizenship, they must go to the back of the line.

If I were President, I would make a new commitment to Israel and announce the Muslim brotherhood as a terrorist organization, stop all shipments of money, weapons and planes to Egypt until a free government is elected that we deem is free and not a threat to our greatest ally, Israel.  Syrian leadership must go and no one on either side will get help from us until we deem it safe for Israel and America.  Iran would have one warning to disarm or we will stand with Israel to do it for them.

I would demand a special prosecutor for the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, CIA and Fast and Furious scandals.  There would be no need to investigate Eric Holder because I would fire him today for his past incompetence and malfeasance.

Read the rest of Hutch’s article here.