Napp Nazworth’s Interview with Author Amy Black on Approaching Politics with Humility, Grace and Reason

My colleague at The Christian Post, Napp Nazworth, does a remarkable job interviewing authors and professors who have written books on religious and political issues. Partly because Napp is not only an outstanding journalist, but also has a Ph.D. in Political Science. Napp loves to dig down into the weeds on policy issues and for this reason consistently writes great articles. On Monday CP published Napp's interview with Professor Amy Black of Wheaton College, author of Honoring God in Red or Blue: Approaching Politics with Humility, Grace and Reason. Napp's interview with Dr. Black serves as a reminder how all of us need to approach political discussions, especially when as Christians we are trying to make a point. I'm going to order the e-version of the book today and look forward to picking up some tips on how to dive into the tricky arena of politics, especially in this super-charged election year. Click here to read the entire article.

By |2012-07-09T10:21:48-05:00July 9th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Napp Nazworth’s Interview with Author Amy Black on Approaching Politics with Humility, Grace and Reason

Romney Narrows VP List; Wife Says Female Name May Surface

Beth Myers may not be a household name to most Americans, but around the Romney kitchen table she is front and center. The reason: she is the person charged with finalizing the list of potential vice presidential nominees and insiders say the list is getting shorter by the day. Political analysts and insiders close to the Romney campaign say some of the names penciled in toward the top of the list include former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Others names still being knocked around are Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell. However, Ann Romney, wife of the soon-to-be Republican nominee says her husband is also considering a female running mate. "We've been looking at that, and I'd love that option as well," Ann Romney told CBS News during an interview at the couple's New Hampshire vacation home. "There's a lot of people that Mitt is considering right now." Legal pads that contain the names of potential running mates change quite often during the months preceding the nominee's convention. For example, Barack Obama's short list in 2008 contained not only the name of Sen. Joe Biden [...]

By |2012-07-06T12:01:36-05:00July 6th, 2012|My Blog Post|1 Comment

Tea Party ‘Puts Candidates on Notice’ After Court Rules on Obamacare

Within minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court released its ruling upholding the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, Tea Party leaders were announcing an all-out effort to reinvigorate their troops to elect a president and Congress members who promise to repeal the controversial health care law. "The Supreme Court ruled against the American people today," Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, told The Christian Post. "The American people overwhelming oppose Obamacare. Now more than ever it is time for the American people to band together and take our government back. Americans agree with what Justice Kennedy said in the dissenting opinion that 'the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety.'" Yet Martin and other Tea Party leaders are also firing shots over the bow of the Republican fleet as a warning that even incumbents or candidates running under a conservative banner would be ousted unless they pledge to repeal the controversial healthcare program. "Mr. Romney, Mr. Boehner: the American people are putting you on notice. You both promised to fully repeal Obamacare. We will hold you to your promises. We are putting all politicians on notice that we [...]

By |2012-07-02T10:31:08-05:00July 2nd, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Tea Party ‘Puts Candidates on Notice’ After Court Rules on Obamacare
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