Yesterday, the on-line new magazine, Christian Post, spotlighted a bill sponsored by my former colleague, Senator Stacey Campfield of Knoxville. Sen. Campfield’s proposed legislation would forbid public schools from teaching on homosexuality prior to the ninth grade. The bill calls human sexuality a “complex subject,” and would prohibit elementary and middle schools from providing “any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality.”

During my last two terms in the Tennessee General Assembly, I carried a bill that would prohibit anyone other than a married couple from adopting children in state custody. Just like Stacey, I too had to endure the heavy-handed lobbying by pro-homosexual groups, thinking the purpose of my bill was to target those who are attracted to the same sex. I don’t know the origin of Stacey’s bill, but mine was given to me by former Senator David Fowler who lobbies for the Family Action Council, a group associated with Focus on the Family.

Few legislators want to touch these types of bills, even if they personally agree with the bill’s intent. Some are unwilling to take on a hot-button social issue like homosexuality, some are scared of their own shadow and some, well they just don’t care either way. A handful of liberal democrats actually support a same-sex agenda.

Sen. Campfield has a reputation of being slightly right of Attila the Hun, but he has no problem going against the Republican grain when he disagrees with a bill or the way it’s being handled. Just last week, he voted against Senate Bill 1028, a bill dealing with foreign terrorism that was supported by his Republican colleagues in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

I applaud Stacey for his fortitude and willingness to handle the toughest of the tough bills. He’s the right person for this job and I’m glad to see him standing on principal. For Stacey, it’s nothing new.