Yesterday I got up early and decided to grab my laptop and head down to Starbucks to write. For me, writing is so personal that I prefer the confines and quietness of my home so I can find that internal place of solitude I need to take my soul to draw out the words and feelings I want to transfer to a computer screen. I refer to it as “getting into my zone.” Other times being around others helps stimulate me to recall people, places or emotions I want to capture. Besides, I meet some interesting people at Starbucks.

It wasn’t as much a bountiful day for writing as much as being privy to the awesome and complete plan God has for us. Feeling a sense of frustration over the direction of my manuscript, I made some inquires that morning I had little hope would result in a resolution within the next few weeks, much less the next few hours. Yet I fought through my impatience and decided to throw mud against the wall to see if anything would stick. Lo and behold, something stuck.

Within two hours I received a call wanting to know if I could make a lunch appointment within the hour – a lunch that lasted almost three hours.

I have prayed earnestly for God to point me in the right direction – to point someone else in my direction and to guide me when I come to a fork in the road. When amazing things happen some may call it luck or coincidence, but I know better. I know it’s simply God working His plan in His time for His Glory.

Like me, you may be sensing frustration in your life or feeling overwhelmed with how you’re going to accomplish a goal. If so, just grab a handful of mud and give it your best shot. Just be ready when it sticks.